
Throughout this class, I have learned so much about astronomy and the universe that we are just a minuscule part of. Everything from how we detect far-away planets through spectroscopy to estimating how big of a crater a meteorite may make has led me to become more curious about Astronomy. My favorite part of it all, however, is the crossover between astronomy and all other sciences. I love how astronomers use chemistry to determine the composition of atmospheres and how that may result in certain geological processes and environments. The use of physics to determine how gravity presents itself on each planet in our system and how that can affect the orbits of other worlds that they are near. The combination of disciplines creates in me so much curiosity, that I feel is reflected in astronomers. The field makes me excited to learn rather than be bogged down by the traditional confines of academics that some of my other STEM friends seem to experience. As I continue, I want to learn more about how chemical compositions and geological features of certain planets may help scientists find life on these planets, and what this life may look like. 

One response to “Blog 8 – Culmination”

  1. It feels like it was only centuries ago when humanity thought the planets were stars…anyway, I agree that astronomy seems to be less confined to the standard rules than other fields, likely because astronomy is made largely of exceptions to its own limits. Pluto alone marks a huge departure in we assumed about most celestial bodies, afterall, and I would like to uncover even more exceptions to these limitations in the future.


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